One of the exciting things about being a full time missionary, is being dependent on unknown sources for income! It can be a challenge as we see deadlines coming such as a bill payment or an event that needs food, but it's also amazing to see how God brings things in, often in unexpected ways. One thing I'm becoming aware of is that people can't help as easily if we're not transparent abut what those needs are. Right now it seems like my list of needs is longer than ever before, especially when I look ahead to the new year, but thankfully my Heavenly Father is my provider. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, and He moves people to act on His behalf and meets our needs. One of the reasons YWAM holds to the value of relying on support (and there are other reasons too, just to be clear), is that it gives people who are called to be missional in other areas such as the marketplace, government, education etc to be able to still be part of what God is doing through those in full time missions. Sowing financially is one way to partner with God's heart in reaching the lost, bringing healing to the broken and making Him known in the world. And it's a beautiful thing! Currently I have a few financial and practical needs, and the rest of this blog is essentially my 'wish list'. Please pray for God to bring these in, and if He moves you to sow, visit the links or message me through this website. Thanks! 1. Remainder of lecture phase money (Currently US $1950 owing) 2. Outreach fees for two months in Nepal, including flights, visas etc ($3600) 3. Burkey filter water bottle and replacement filter 4. Sleeping bag liner 5. Transport costs for Christmas and Thanksgiving ($180 total) 6. Waterproof cover for 65L backpack
7. Merino wool thermal underwear/layers 8. Contribution toward outreach food ($50)
9. Ongoing living costs such as laundry, toiletries, phone payment ($125 per month)
10. Vacuum/compression bags for packing for Nepal (not the kind that uses a vacuum cleaner!)
11. Air pillow Finances can be sown by Giving directly to YWAM by credit, debit or paypal
Giving directly to me by credit, debit or paypal Giving to YWAM by cheque (message me for details) Giving to me by electronic bank transfer (message me for details) Thank you for praying and partnering!